
Natural & Organic Sunscreen Oil Recipe – Homemade

You can make your own natural and organic sun screen lotion by using this simple recipe:

2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 tablespoon Shea butter ( ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree)
½ teaspoon aloe vera gel
½ teaspoon sesame oil/almond oil or any other oil you like
½ teaspoon carrot seed oil/red raspberry seed oil/hemp oil

Sunscreen oil


Melt the shea butter and add the coconut oil. Stir well until the oils combine and the coconut oil melts as well. Add other oils and mix well. Use glass jar to keep the sun screen oil in a dark place or in the fridge.

These oils are the base for your natural organic sun screen lotion and have a shelf life of approximately 3 months. The SPF is approximately between 15-20 . You can increase SPF by adding 2 teaspoons of zinc oxide.

TIP: I would also add 1/2 teaspoon of raw cacao powder. Your sun screen oil will get nice brownish colour with beautiful smell (works better if you add zinc oxide)

Happy Sunny Days 🙂

Eva x

  1. Raw Eva August 15, 2014 / Reply
  2. Adriana August 17, 2014 / Reply
    • Raw Eva August 18, 2014 / Reply
  3. Raw Eva August 20, 2014 / Reply

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