Raw Food Archive
Raw Food For Kids Part 4 – Vitamin K2
October 2, 2014
This is another of my series of articles focused on raw food and children. If you haven’t read part 1 and part 2 please do here and here 🙂 I have recently written an article for Raw Food Recipes website mainly about the most important nutrients to watch while having small kids on raw foods.
Get RAWganized for Winter!
September 11, 2014
FULLY BOOKED NOW!!!! I’m setting up another online raw food workshop where we will be discussing how to start and stay successfully on raw food (not only) during winter period. Do you struggle with your raw food lifestyle over winter periods? Not sure how to stay raw while keeping yourself satisfied and happy? Are you
Why We Drink Coconut Water And Its Benefits
August 25, 2014
Do you know the feeling when you see something new for the first time and you are asked to taste or try it? Some of us are very good at trying and experimenting with new things and some are a bit careful and hesitant 🙂 When someone asked me to drink coconut water from a
Raw Food For Kids PLUS Healthy Recipes – Part 2
August 18, 2014
In my previous article Raw Food for Kids – Part 1, I talked about how to gradually start introducing raw foods to your kids’ daily diet and more specifically about the benefits of juicing and green smoothies. Today, we will move on and I hope you are all happily and comfortably drinking yummy fresh juices
Raw Food for Kids Plus Healthy Smoothie Recipes – Part 1
August 10, 2014
I have recently received many emails and messages asking me about whether starting with raw food is healthy and suitable for kids, concerning babies the most. The simple answer is: ABSOLUTELY! I understand there might be a fear and many questions whether consuming mainly or 100% raw food is healthy for kids and your concerns
Raw Food FAQs – Part 2
August 1, 2014
This is the part 2 of the raw food FAQs article and if you missed the part 1, you can read it here 🙂 4. How does your raw food day look like? We normally eat fruit for breakfast – I also make a green smoothie for everyone where I use about 300-400g of leafy
Raw Food FAQ – Part 1
July 31, 2014
Raw food is a very popular topic now days so I thought I would try and answer some of your frequent questions about raw foods. I hope you’ll find these two articles beneficial 🙂 1. What does exactly raw food mean and what are the benefits? Raw food = living food = food full of nutrients,